Kyle Haselman

I am from Ottawa, Ohio where I own Haselman Ag Management. I have been a part of the Amplify Network for 12 years now and find my strengths to be in profit/loss field level analysis, precision ag equipment GPS, and cereal crops and forages.

I have a small family farm with a custom niche market in hay and straw not large enough to sustain full time work. I graduated from The Ohio State University in Agribusiness. I worked in Ag Retail sales and application for five years with focus point around Precision Ag VRT soil testing. With the access of good calibrated yield data after a few years I learned that there was a better way to serve the needs of farmers and growers and decided to start out on my own. I found Brookside in 2008 and gave up a good corporate job, company truck, benefits, and started Haselman Ag Management out of my parents’ basement.

Married to my wife, Rachel, since 2015. We are expecting out third child soon and spend most of my time playing and chasing my kids around the house. My wife works nights as an RN, so the kids get plenty of time with me to become daddy girls. Most of our extended family lives close by so we spend many days and weekends entertaining and playing with cousins and grandparents, enjoying camping, fairs or just helping out on the farm.

In addition to Amplify consulting I do some Precision GPS equipment work with many clients and others as I have developed a network over the years. I also spend lots of time in various volunteer work roles with Soil Water Office Board member, 4H, FFA, and church.

I am also very active with the 4R Fertilizer Program as I am currently one of the 4R auditors for the state of Ohio and have assisted other states with starting their certification programs. I try to stay on top of new things in Agriculture, but keep my main focus on my family.

Over time as Haselman Ag has grown I have been able to bring on board a few part-time people to help. Nate Mangas, works with me nearly full-time role as my 2IC and is great with SMS. Susie Recker, works part time as a soil sampler and is the Godparent to my second child.

Anything I can do to help others in Amplify I will gladly do as we truly are The Power of Together. Please feel free to contact me 419-306-0220

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