Dave C. Smith

David C. Smith is a Registered Professional Agrologist (P.Ag) with over forty-five years’ experience with turfgrass management and specialty horticulture. Dave is a Qualified Plantsman, Ontario Certified Horticulturist and maintains pesticide application certification.

He was a Certified Golf Course Superintendent (CGCS) for over 25 years. He is a graduate of The Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, with an Ontario Diploma in Horticulture. David is a registered Qualified Agronomist and Consultant with the Amplify Network of Agronomic Consultants and Brookside Laboratories Inc. 

In 1996, Dave established DCS & Associates, an independent consulting company that provides analytical services and consultation for turfgrass establishment and maintenance as the primary scope of practice. DCS & Associates serves clients throughout Eastern Canada, including Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. DCS has developed nutritional and cultural management recommendations for over 100 golf courses, 3500 acres of sod production, and approximately 500 athletic fields, equestrian facilities, park land, and horticultural projects. In addition, David has provided construction and grow-in recommendations for numerous golf courses and athletic field projects. 

David is past President of the Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation and has been active in several golf superintendent associations. He was a Sports Turf Canada committee member during the development of the Athletic Field Construction Manual and has been a speaker at several provincial and national conferences presenting to golf courses superintendents, athletic field turf managers, arborists, and general landscapers. David has authored articles for industry publications such as Green Master Magazine and speaks on subjects such as Specialty Growing Medium Design, Holistic Approach to Turf Grass Management, IPM, Trends in Golf Course Management, Product Inputs for Turf Management, Basic Soils, Green and Athletic Field Site Evaluations, and Soil Management for Trees. 

Before establishing DCS & Associates, David gained over 20 years of experience in the golf and sports turf industry. During that time, he acted as a Golf Course Superintendent throughout Ontario including four years as Coordinator of Outdoor Sports Facilities with the City of Hamilton.  For more information, Click here.

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