Brookside Commercial

Brookside Laboratories have the opportunity to make a commercial this last year and it has been airing on certain dates on Fox Business Network. Click the link below to view our commercial. 

By Darren Caywood May 20, 2020
We are reaching out to all of our followers today to address the increasing risk and exposure of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Brookside is implementing steps at the lab in order to help keep our staff, customers, consultants, communities, and families safe and healthy. Our consultants and clients will receive e-mails today about the precautions that we are putting in place immediately. We serve the agriculture community and our farmers will still be getting out in the fields here within the next month, so Brookside has no intention of closing at this time. However, if we are forced to close due to government intervention we will do so in accordance with the law. Any client of ours within the past year will receive notification if such steps are taken. If you are coming to the lab to drop off samples, please make sure that you have not been sick or personally been exposed to anyone sick in the last 24 hours. This will help limit the exposure at the lab and potentially the local community. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call the lab at 419-977-2766. We appreciate your understanding during this difficult time. Be safe!
By Darren Caywood May 20, 2020
We were recently joined by Dan Coffin, of Biodyne-USA for a discussion on soil biology. Topics include the late planting conditions of 2019 and the implications this may have on our nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer programs. Also covered, the significance of late planting to nitrogen assimilation by diazotrophic bacteria.
By Darren Caywood May 20, 2020
Earlier this month, Brookside Laboratories, Inc. hosted Dr. George Place of North Carolina State University to discuss emerging interest in industrial hemp. Dr. Place did a fantastic job presenting a primer on industrial hemp. Topics included uses (fiber, seed, or oils), regulations, processing, biology, lab testing needs, food safety hazard concerns, pests, diseases, and others. This presentation was a great session and an excellent starting point for gathering information on this exciting new cropping opportunity. I strongly encourage everyone to catch up here if you were unable to join us live. Click this link to go to our YouTube Channel and watch the webinar.
By Darren Caywood May 20, 2020
Free, interactive seminar to demystify soil health and start laying the foundation for optimal soil health on your farm. Soil Health 101 Seminar: Demystifying Soil Health
By Darren Caywood May 20, 2020
We recently started interviewing some of our consultants that have been with us for many years as part of our new Consultant Outreach Program. By doing this we are hoping to be able to share some of their experiences and knowledge with some of our other consultants, who might have questions or just simply need to hear the wise words of someone that has been through all the ups and downs over the years. These Consultants have been wonderful to give us a few minutes of their time and we thank them for that. We look forward to future talks with them and future talks with other consultants as we grow our Outreach Program. We recently talked to Tom Menke, who has been a consultant for over 40 years. He has done a lot of crop consultants, nutrient work, and has been mostly focused on environmental work. With having knowledge in more then one area of consultant, Tom can offer much value in helping spread his knowledge in your consultant community.
By Darren Caywood May 20, 2020
David Ricke recently came in and wanted to give his testimonial on how the Brookside program really has worked for him over the years. Some people might be a little hesitant to believe such a program could work, but Dave wanted to prove to everyone that it has worked for him for many, many years and he wouldn’t be a consultant today if it wasn’t for this program. In Dave’s presentation he used a couple different farms that has been with him for just as long as he has been a consultant. The first exam was a corn belt farmer. He shows in the presentation that different years and how his numbers for base saturation percentage has done wonders. He also used a large livestock producer, this farm was in good shape when Dave started with him, but there is always room for improvement, and that’s exactly what he did. He improved the farms numbers over the years.
By Darren Caywood May 20, 2020
We recently started interviewing some of our consultants that have been with us for many years as part of our new Consultant Outreach Program. By doing this we are hoping to be able to share some of their experiences and knowledge with some of our other consultants, who might have questions or just simply need to hear the wise words of someone that has been through all the ups and downs over the years. These Consultants have been wonderful to give us a few minutes of their time and we thank them for that. We look forward to future talks with them and future talks with other consultants as we grow our Outreach Program. Joe Nester has been with Brookside for over 25 years. Before he joined Brookside, he was very successful in the retail fertilizer business, but realized that he wanted to be doing more in the field and agronomy work, so he decided to was time to start his own consultant’s business. He didn't learn about Brookside right away, he had someone else tell him about Brookside and what all we offer as a company. He looked into our company and realized it would be an excellent fit for him. So that is how Joe became a consultant with Brookside.
By Darren Caywood May 20, 2020
We recently started interviewing some of our consultants that have been with us for many years as part of our new Consultant Outreach Program. By doing this we are hoping to be able to share some of their experiences and knowledge with some of our other consultants, who might have questions or just simply need to hear the wise words of someone that has been through all the ups and downs over the years. These Consultants have been wonderful to give us a few minutes of their time and we thank them for that. We look forward to future talks with them and future talks with other consultants as we grow our Outreach Program. David Ricke has been with Brookside for over 30 years. He has put in lots of hard hours and time to get where he is today. Dave was like any other consultant that started out working for a large layer farm in Indiana. Dave eventually started to branch out in other areas of the agriculture industry which lead him to becoming a consultant for Brookside in 1981 in our agriculture division. David has been very successful over the years, but him like anyone else once you get to retirement age, you start to think about different things that he could have done better over the years. This is one question that was asked during his short interview and Dave’s response was “plan my retirement better”. I think this is something that is a worry for all and hearing his prospective of it, might just be the knowledge that some of our younger consultants need to get them going in the right direction for their futures, even long after Brookside
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