Bet Smith

Bet Smith grew up in Ontario surrounded by avid gardeners, and has been interested in soil and plants for most of her life. With experience in both landscape gardening and small-scale agriculture, she joined the team of agronomists at DCS & Associates in 2015. 

Bet has completed a certificate in Sustainable Urban Agriculture from the University of Guelph, Green Roof Professional Training and Accreditation through Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, and agronomic training through Brookside Laboratories and the Amplify Network. She has attended numerous conferences and seminars focused on soil, agriculture, horticulture, and turf, and is an active member of Regeneration Canada. In addition, Bet holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from York University and a Diploma from Selkirk College. 

Bet has assisted Pam Charbonneau in both private and publicly-funded research including a study partially funded by the Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation to refine playing hour specifications for natural turf soccer fields. Bet and Pam presented the findings of the study at the Ontario Turfgrass Symposium in 2020 and study results were published by the OTRF and Sports Turf Canada. Bet regularly contributes to the blog, DCS on Turf and recently co-authored an article with Dave Smith for the CGSA’s publication, Green Master. For more information please,
click here.

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